Meyrem Ana Ciftligi: Ponies, and Peacocks, Breakfast Oh-my!

Meyrem Ana Ciftligi: Ponies, and Peacocks, Breakfast Oh-my!

Have you imagined what it would be like to eat a farm-fresh breakfast while surrounded by the quaint farm life? Did your imagination render peacocks joining you? If not, don’t worry. Meyrem Ana Farm provides them. There’s no need to imagine!

Some friends and I traveled to the outskirts of Adana for breakfast one morning to eat at a farm which has been transformed into an outdoor breakfast restaurant. They are known for serving the traditional Turkish breakfast, but in such a way that you feel as if you have journeyed farther from city life than your odometer would tell you.

The layout of the restaurant included clusters of multi-colored chairs and tables dispersed beneath awnings, trees, or within two-story treehouses. Sitting down we noticed the many enclosures housing various animals—chickens, ducks, goats, and sheep. Peering through the tree branches we could see horses in a large pen.

The peacefulness of having nature surrounding me made me forget my hunger. That was until the waiter began bringing out the many dishes that comprised our breakfast. Each one smelled and looked so wonderful; it was difficult to wait to dig in until they all were arranged on the table. My favorites of the dishes were the eggs and sucuk (Turkish sausage) and the sigara borek (rolled fried dough stuffed with cheese). Before becoming fully engrossed in the meal, a few barn cats appeared and captured our attention, especially the one with beautiful different colored eyes.

However, the more surprising discovery was made when I turned to my right and saw a gorgeous peacock approaching our table. He was looking for anything we might have already dropped, and since we did not want him to leave, we purposefully dropped a few morsels for him to enjoy nearby.

This seems to be an excellent place to bring children for them to safely explore and release energy in nature. There is a play area for children to enjoy if they get bored sitting and eating. Additionally, for a low-price, kids can be given a gentle pony ride on the premises. The children riders had so much fun that my friend and I wished we were able to join in on the fun.

It was impossible to leave Meryem Ana Farm without a smile on my face as everything about our time spent there was delightful!


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Written By: Serena Swords

Photography By: Hannah Greer and Serena Swords