Adana: Three Must Sees When Visiting Saimbeyli

Adana: Three Must Sees When Visiting Saimbeyli

Saimbeyli (sigh-m-bay-lee) is a beautiful town about two hours north of the city of Adana. It is rich in Armenian and Turkish history that extends beyond the 17th century. Located in Adana Province, it is a must-see town while in Turkey. It has beautiful architecture that ranges from an aged monastery to a castle that has an astonishing view of the entire town. With a rainbow of colorful buildings situated in the valley of the Taurus mountains, Saimbeyli is a town I will always remember for its beauty. 


During my stay in Saimbeyli, there were three places that really made an impression. These are the three must sees when visiting Saimbeyli.


I am typically a people person that constantly wants to be around others, but while I was at Obruk Şelalesi (Pothole Falls) all I could find myself wanting to do was to sit near the waterfall and listen to the water running over the rocks. The environment is peaceful; sublime for naps. This area also had numerous tables, which would make for an excellent picnic. The locals even sold şalgam (a local drink made from black carrots) and water when entering and exiting the falls. 



Another thing to know about me is that I love adventure. The more difficult the places are to reach the better. St. James Monastery is rather difficult to get to, but the view and the remains were worth the hassle. When I pulled up to the monastery there was a gate, which made me believe I could not enter.  After speaking with a local I figured out I could jump over the gate to get a closer look at the monastery. The path to the monastery was also enjoyable because it was covered with a canopy of grapevines above.  The monastery itself is hard to enter, but do not let that deter you from trying. 

The canopy of grapevines

The canopy of grapevines



Last but not least, Saimbeyli Castle. This castle sits on top of a mountain which overlooks the town. I went during sunset and the view was absolutely gorgeous. While the sun sets behind the mountains surrounding the town, Saimbeyli Castle catches the breathtaking view of sunlight cascading down onto the bright, colorful buildings below. I would highly recommend going during sunset hours. The Saimbeyli Castle is locked but can still be seen from the outside. To go inside the castle you have to get a key from a local, but I ended up enjoying the view from outside the castle. 


Right beside the castle stands the remains of the “American High School for Girls.” This building once stood seven stories tall but all that remains is one wall overlooking the city. Again, loving adventure, I decided to walk down to the remains and get a closer look. The view of the town is amazing when looking through what is left of a window from the remains.


If you are visiting the province of Adana, make sure to leave time for an adventure to Saimbeyli.


Written By: Ashlyn Nixon

Photography By: Ashlyn Nixon

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